A unique tribute to the Grand Army The Hall boasts several stain Glass windows donated by several diverse groups: from buisnesses to indivuals, and from the members of the GAR. These groups left behind these silent memorials attesting to their contribution to its building back at the turn of the 20th century. They are magnificent windows whose construction shows the stain glass technique so common during the later half of the 19th century. They are massive windows measuring 3-4 feet by 10 feet. The pictures you are about to view were taken late on a sunny October day in 1998. The light streaming into the building on this day was comming from very low on the horizon and only served to highlight the beauty of each window. Because of vadalism in the past, the outside of the windows have a screen mesh over them reinforced with wood strapping. As you view these windows, you may notice dark lines behind the windows. These are the wood strapping. One of the projects that the group would eventually like to tackle in the removal of the wood strapings and replacement with a sutable covering that will not spoil the light comming into the windows and help protect the windows better. Lack of funds and other pressing projects like the roof have forced us to put this project on the back burner. Protecting the windows is important. Two windows have already been damaged from vandalism: the window donated by the Rockland Fire Department had a cicular picture of the then new "Fire Pumper" and the twelfth Mass window has a broken pane. The Fire Pumper picture is being re-created. Lack of funds prevents work to begin on the Twelfth Mass window. The windows are grouped according to thier location in the building.
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This site has been accessed
since Sept 9th 1998
This page has been accessed
since Sept 9th 1998
All photographs (C) 1998 by Tim Woodward.
All rights reserved
Timothy J Woodward
Date Last Modified: 2/11/99